2010 Bristol,QC Canadian Dryland Championships |
First in 4-Dog class |
2011/12 Race Schedule & Results
2009 World Dryland Championships-ISDRA Gold |
1st day (9:10.14) 2nd day(6K-21:48.25) |
Memorial Day Mile
Love the look Luchini is giving spongebob in this picture. We had one problem with a light pole,
but otherwise was a good run. 5:11 time. 3rd woman overall - would have been different if we had a clean run but I'm still
happy with the time. Early season practice is important. Full article:
Roger Willey 5K
Ellsworth, ME First overall woman, second overall finisher. First mile in 5:23 - was hoping to have Spongebob keep
me going at that pace but had to leave him at home. Finish time was 20:20. Never ran this new course before so
was happy with the finish placing.
Bristol Canadian Dryland Championships
Fair Hill Challenge
DESDC Musher's Bowl
Bridgeton, ME
Ellsworth Winter Carnival
Ellsworth, ME
Sled dog demo's, short special topic "talks" and positive promotion for the sport.
2010/11 Race Schedule & Results
Bristol Canadian Dryland Championships Bristol, QC
1st Place - 4-Dog Pro
This was one of the most fun courses we've ever run. Flat, lots of turns, and sandy terrain. Course was 3.1
miles. Time day one was 9:45.50. Time day 2 was 9:06.73. This team consisted of a trio of siblings powered
by my 82 lb dream dog Spongebob Squarepants, ,and led by his sisters Pearl and Miss Puff (from my Junior x Laredo breeding)
and Hadley (Rummy xPiper). Hadley has matured and is ready to handle the intensity of 4-dog speed.
Combined time for both days was 18:52.23. Day one's average speed was 19.06 mph. Day two's average speed was 20.4
Fair Hill Challenge
1st Place 4-Dog Pro
Hilly in sections, with some challenging obstacles,and very steep desending hills followed by sharp turns. There
were also rolling fiiellds. On day one our time was first in the 4-Dog Pro after day one with a time of 9:52.20. Johnn
in 2nd with 9:55.25, Ed Clifford in 3rd with 11:14.42. Our pace Sat averaged 21.28 mph.
On day two there was a problem hearing the timer countdown, so me and my handling crew were very surprised to get to
the lines and be told "You're time allready started". In all we lost 22 seconds because of the problem. Fortunately
it didn't adversely affect us as, we made up the tine and then some to secure the win. Our actual "running time" averaged
out at 22.26 mph.
The Black House
Ellsworth, ME
Ellsworth Winter Carnival
David D. Memorial Challenge
4-Dog Pro
2009/10 Race Schedule & Results
2009 World Dryland Championships-ISDRA Gold |
1st day (9:10.14) 2nd day(6K-21:48.25) |
Jerry Kaufman Memorial 5K
Ellsworth, ME
1st woman-1st /70 women competitors(4th finisher overall/260) 20:15
Pineland Farms Trail Challenge
Canicross (2.6 miles)
New Gloucester, Maine
Roger Willey 5K
Ellsworth, ME First overall finisher (men and women). Did cani with Spongebob as prep for worlds. He followed
all gee/haw's and on by's perfectly. It was the same course we raced in the spring and today we ran the course 2:38 faster.
Our mile pace was 5:40.
Complete results:
9/24 & 25
Pineland Dryland Championships
Run Dawg Run Featival at Pineland Farms, New Gloucester, ME
1st overall finisher with a time of 15:53.81. Mile pace was 5:34 for 2.85 miles.
Very muddy, slippery course.
Complete Results: http://rundawgrun.com/rdr_festival.html
IFSS World Dryland Championships
NEDSC Auburn Rig Race
Auburn, NH
1st- 2-dog scooter: Time of 6:55 (for2 miles) in 2 dog scooter won our class & our time was 47 sec's ahead of 1st
bikejourer and tied 1st time in 4-dog rig for same course.
1st - Canicross: Spongebob is still undefeated as he and Weston Forsblad won 1st in Canicross which was a great race.
My three yearlings had a great day.
Keith Bryar Memorial Race
Jackman, ME
3rd - 4 Dog Pro
Day one: 18:16 Day two: 16:37 34:53
Lost 45 seconds at the start on day one because of sled bag problems. Fast, exceptionally well groomed trail,
nice hills. 20 mph pace.
Full Results here:
NESDC Myopia Sled Dog Race
S.Hamilton, MA
1st - 4 Dog Pro (5.5 miles/ 21:47. One day race.)
Exceptional trail help made good use of the limited snow. Considering what they had to work with, was incredible
that the trail was as good as it was.
Full results here:
DESDC Musher's Bowl
Bridgeton, ME
4th - 4-Dog Pro. Very technical, fun course where having a Danler that can carve tight turns without
sliding sideways shaves time and gives the driver a good advantage (should have mine in another week or 2).
On day one Pearl was so amped she pulled out of her harness 5 secdonds before I was to start and lost valuable time.
On day 2 Spongebob snapped his cable dropline fighting to get to the gangline. Didn't dump the sled at all,
and had a much faster run on Day 2. I'm very pleased with this young team so far.
Day one 16:08 Day 2:
Ellsworth Winter Carnival
Ellsworth, ME